Promoting a more open, transparent and accountable North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
Press releases
If you are a journalist (or anyone) looking for an independent comment, briefing or perspective on NATO then you have come to the right place. Sign-up to receive press releases by email – click here. You can also get an RSS feed of these comments (also available on the ‘sign-up’ page) which will appear on a web site or your desktop. Or check here regularly.
NATO’s summit meeting in Wales (4-5 September 2014) comes at a vital time in the alliance’s 65-year history when the global security environment is becoming increasingly unpredictable and unstable. In addition, NATO is preparing to complete its longest combat mission and to open a new chapter in its relationship with Afghanistan.
If you are a journalist (or anyone) looking for an independent comment, briefing or perspective on NATO then you have come to the right place. Sign-up to receive press releases by email – click here. You can also get an RSS feed of these comments (also available on the ‘sign-up’ page) which will appear on a web site or your desktop. Or check here regularly.
Peace researchers challenge NATO 2030 project: Reflection Group proposals risk twin cold wars with Russia and China
For Immediate Release: 16 February 2021
Contact: Dr. Ian Davis | +44 (0)7767 686145
Hybrid Wars and Hollow Words: A Preview of the NATO Wales Summit
NATO’s summit meeting in Wales (4-5 September 2014) comes at a vital time in the alliance’s 65-year history when the global security environment is becoming increasingly unpredictable and unstable. In addition, NATO is preparing to complete its longest combat mission and to open a new chapter in its relationship with Afghanistan.
New website launched in Netherlands showing NATO's limited financial transparency
NATO ‘public’ consultation on transatlantic bond needs to focus on transparency and accountability
Croatia joins NATO’s nuclear-sharing club
For Immediate Release: 18 November 2013
Contact: Dr. Ian Davis | +44 (0)7887 782389
Scotland - In or Out of NATO?
For Immediate Release: 15 October 2012
Border Wars: Preview of the NATO Defence Ministers’ Meeting
For Immediate Release: 8 October 2012
Contact: Dr. Ian Davis | +44 (0)7887 782389
Call for NATO running costs to be made public on ‘International Right to Know Day’ 10th Anniversary
NATO meets under Article 4 to discuss Turkey-Syria crisis
NATO Watch Chicago Summit Briefing Series: No.7 ‘Off the agenda’ but on the horizon
No.7 ‘Off the agenda’ but on the horizon