Promoting a more open, transparent and accountable North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
NATO Watch Observatory
Welcome to NATO Watch’s monthly Observatory. Our focus is on NATO policy-making and operational activities and the clips are drawn from a wide range of subscriptions, feeds and alerts covering a substantial part of the major English language newspapers and other periodicals worldwide. If you are short on time – go straight to the recommended reading, marked ♠♠
Welcome to NATO Watch’s monthly Observatory. Our focus is on NATO policy-making and operational activities and the clips are drawn from a wide range of subscriptions, feeds and alerts covering a substantial part of the major English language newspapers and other periodicals worldwide. If you are short on time – go straight to the recommended reading, marked ♠♠
NATO Watch Observatory No.49
Quarterly newsletter focused on NATO policy-making and operational activities.
In this edition (September-December 2018):
NATO Watch Essay:
NATO at 70: Will discord colour the celebrations in 2019?
NATO Watch Observatory No.48
Quarterly newsletter focused on NATO policy-making and operational activities.
In this Post-NATO Summit edition (June-August 2018), including thematic analysis of the Brussels Summit Declaration:
NATO Watch Essays:
NATO Watch Observatory No.47
Quarterly newsletter focused on NATO policy-making and operational activities
In this January-May 2018 edition:
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Dear NATO Watch subscriber,
NATO Watch Observatory No.46
Quarterly newsletter focused on NATO policy-making and operational activities
In this October-December 2017 edition:
NATO Watch Observatory No.45
## Re-Launch Edition ##
Quarterly newsletter focused on NATO policy-making and operational activities
In this July-September 2017 edition:
NATO Watch Observatory No.44
Quarterly newsletter focused on NATO policy-making and operational activities
In this July-September 2013 edition:
NATO Watch Observatory No.43
NATO Watch Observatory No.42
NATO Watch Observatory No.41
Monthly newsletter focused on NATO policy-making and operational activities
In this March 2013 edition: