Do you have an equal opportunities policy?


1 August 2009

1. A Strategic Policy Statement by NATO Watch Ltd (hereafter NATO Watch) on promoting equal opportunities and diversity in employment and service delivery.

2. To ensure that equality of opportunity remains central to our values and the delivery of our services, we make a commitment to review this equal opportunities policy on a yearly basis. This strategic policy statement is therefore a first step in the process of mainstreaming equal opportunities within our company. The policy statement will form the underpinning foundation for our operational policies.

3. The benefits to be derived from establishing a corporate approach to equality and diversity are enormous. From our customer’s perspective there is a clear commitment to ensuring fair access to services and to providing opportunities to shape these services. For our staff there are the advantages of knowing and being able to demonstrate that their personal and professional contribution is valued. A clear and explicit commitment to the promotion of equality and diversity principles also serves to attract employees and has a significant impact on recruitment and retention policies.

4. The subject of equalities is becoming increasingly complex, reflected in the large number of laws, good practice guidelines and initiatives that surround it. NATO Watch welcomes these statutory requirements, but aims to go beyond the legal requirement in positively promoting equal opportunities and diversity.

5. This Policy Statement will apply to all employees of NATO Watch.

6. The aim of this Policy Statement is to ensure that NATO Watch is a company that recognises and values diversity and intends to be a leading edge example of good practice. This will be achieved by implementing equal opportunities across the whole spectrum of the company’s activities and in support of this, we have devised this Policy Statement.

7. NATO Watch is committed to ensuring that the services we provide are relevant to the needs of all sections of the community and that our workforce represents the people we serve.

We aim to ensure that our services meet the varied individual needs and expectations of our customers and that everyone has equal access to our services regardless of their race, ethnic origin, language, gender, disability, age, sexuality, marital status, nationality, religions or non religious belief, family background or any other individual characteristic which may limit a person's opportunities in life.

We recognise that our services and products must be relevant, responsive and sensitive, and that the company must be perceived as fair and equitable in its provision of services by our customers and partners.

We aim to ensure that our contractors and others who deliver our services also share our vision and values. We also recognise that we work in a richly diverse community and understand the strategic importance of achieving a diverse workforce, which reflects the community.

We undertake to recruit, develop and retain people by valuing the varied skills and experiences they bring to the company; by investing in their training and development; by treating staff fairly and equitably; by combating harassment and discrimination at work, and by encouraging an honest and open culture which values the differences between us.

As an educational resource, we recognise the important leadership role we have in promoting and encouraging tolerance, fairness and equality and in influencing other service providers and employers. NATO Watch undertakes to work closely with other businesses, employers, voluntary and community groups and our other partners to build a more tolerant, compassionate and respectful place in which we can all live and work.